The Arts Society West Sussex members recognise that the arts embody some of the highest forms of human creativity. Our intention is to provide children and young people with arts opportunities that will engage, inspire and challenge them. By providing skilled artists, poets and musicians to work with groups in our local schools we aim to give pupils and their teachers opportunities to ‘walk with genius’, extending their understanding of the arts and enhancing their experience of what it is possible for them to achieve. The impact of these experiences is clear to see in children’s enjoyment and in the high quality of the work they produce.
The Arts Society West Sussex Young Arts volunteering team are Susie Coleman, Jane Evea, Stephanie Fane, Christine Parker up and Janet Tomlinson. They plan, coordinate and raise funds for the programme of events for local schools. We would be delighted to have volunteers to work with us, either as part of the team or to help at an event.
Please contact or speak to any member of the team if you would like to know more or if you would like to help in any way.
Please follow this link to read about our Young Arts Volunteering projects in 2024