On May 23rd and 24th the Young Arts team from The Arts Society West Sussex enabled the Yrs 4, 5 and  6 pupils from Northchapel Primary School and Yr 6 from Fittleworth Village School to visit the Moncrieff- Bray Gallery, Petworth.

With a backdrop of rolling countryside, the pupils sketched the interesting and varied sculptures in the garden under the watchful eye of art educator Maureen Wells.  Some did quick drawings while others spent time observing the detail.  They were then taught how to use ink to add shading to their drawings.

When inside the gallery the class were advised on what to look for in  work hung on the walls - colour, form and subjects in the paintings and collages.  They looked carefully at an artist called Carherine Forshall, who paints  marine life  using coloured inks.  Finally some pupils reported to the rest of the class which was their favourite piece and why.

After a busy and successful morning the pupils returned to school and spent the afternoon drawing and painting in the style of Catherine Forshall.   The children, using limited coloured inks, loved working with Maureen and produced some  fabulous work.

Northchapel Primary drew and painted life like crabs that filled the paper using bright oranges and reds and outlining their drawings in black ink to great effect.

Children from Fittleworth School worked on fish moving  across the paper, this time using turquoise, yellows and candle wax to preserve the colour white of the paper.  They also used black ink to outline their fish and sea salt to simulate bubbles in the water.   The effect was magical.

On both days it was wonderful to see the children really engaged and the pride on their faces once the work was  completed. Even those who find engaging in class work surprised their teachers by the work they completed. These images were displayed in public at the PopUp Art Exhibition in Fittleworth Village Hall in July 2024.


Young Arts at the Arts Society West Sussex had a very successful PopUp Art exhibition this July in it’s new home. As part of the Petworth Festival and opened by the Festival’s Artistic Director Stewart Collins,  one  of their  outlying  sites, Fittleworth Village Hall made the  perfect venue. We would like thank the 16 local schools who kindly supported us with extraordinary and diverse  work. These talented creators ranged from nursery school children to some gifted A level students. There were intriguing sculpted heads, beautiful Greek pots and other interesting 3D work. There were stunning collages, pastel work  and line drawings. Several schools had studied a particular artist and then produced pieces using similar techniques. The event was well attended especially by the exhibitors and their families who were thrilled to see their work on display in public. We hope to make this an annual event. Look out for it next July.